Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Rant O' the day...

I hate college life. That's just the long and the short of it. We aren't adults striving for higher education. We're children to be babysat, sans the snacks and nap time. I skipped my journalism class Monday morning because I wasn't feeling well. I make 100's on every quiz and high B's on every paper. The teacher is old fashioned and prefers to discuss absences and make up work in person. I know this because he's told me this. So I didn't call or email him Monday, got a doctors excuse and brought it to his office before class this morning. He won't accept it. Says with my "track record" (missing the first week of class because of BACK SURGERY) and two additional classes because of a trip to Oregon, that I should have called. He then proceeds to tell me to think of this class as my job and says, "If you were sick, wouldn't you call AT&T to tell them you weren't coming in?" To which my reply was "Yes sir." but what I wanted to add was, "But AT&T also pays me several thousand dollars a year, I pay YOU. Therefore, if I choose not to come to class and have a VALID reason for doing so, I should not be penalized." But, that wasn't going to help my case, so I asked one more time if he wanted the doctors excuse, he said "No." and turned away without even looking at it. How ridiculous is our education system when students who know the material and choose not to go to class make a C instead of the B average of their tests because they don't come to class? I'M PAYING THEM TO TEACH ME. Therefore, I will get out of the class what I put into it. If my studying gets me a B without going to every single class, then I deserve a B, not a C because your class bores me to tears and therefore I choose not to drag myself out of my warm bed at 7:30 a.m. occassionally. I mean come on, you all know I am not a morning person. In fact, if you ask mom that question, she won't even reply, only laugh. I have no problem getting to work on time in the morning because they pay me to work, they pay me to be on time. I am compensated for my efforts. At Auburn however, not only am I not compensated for my efforts, I get C's instead of B's, not because I'm lacking in knowledge, but because they're kindergarten teachers who rather than telling us what to study the first week of class, gives 150 students assigned seating and in a four month semester only allow two unexcused absences. Does it surprise me that they deny me something that I have worked for? Not considering most of them are democrats, no. I also am continually berated for having a job. The academic dean for the College of Liberal Arts once told me that school should be my first priority, not my job. HA HA HA. Seriously lady? Are YOU going to pay my bills? Oh that's right! YOU'RE A DEMOCRAT! Therefore you think that other people SHOULD pay my bills! Why didn't I think of that!? Instead I choose to work hard and study hard but because I don't want to listen to some professor tell stories of no relevance at 8 a.m. then I am to be punished. My, my, aren't we an intelligent learning institution?!


Anonymous said...

Good job Kimmy! Sorry your teacher stinks. Love the cartoon you put in there!

Kelly Ovard said...

I think maybe you should send your teacher that blog (minus the Democrat parts) Maybe your school is more like that than others because it caters to the just out of HS crowd- Not all colleges are that ridiculous! No wonder you are ready to be done. But, soon it will be over and you get to come live here where the cool peeps are!

The Bravos said...

i'm sorry kimmy, byu isn't like that. here, the classes actually help my grade if i go to them (lame when i realize that at 7am when i don't wanna go!). next time you should tell your teacher what you think.

i vote yes.

The Bravos said...

you are gay. POST!

MissManda-Mae said...

9 months kimmy since your last post... 9 MONTHS!!! that's like a pregnancy.... come on girl.... gets ta postin'... I know yous got plenty to say....