Thursday, October 16, 2008


Okay, so after a little tift this weekend I felt I needed to put something at the top of my "Quirks" list.

I cannot stand to be ignored.

You can call me every name in the book, curse me out, respond in whatever manner you may see fit. I'm not saying there won't be an reprecussions (Mom used to say I had a tongue like a razor blade when angered, I'd like to think that razor blade has only sharpened in time...)however, if you ignore me prepare for an outburst of epic proportions. I usually try to maintain control but that doesn't typically last for longer than 24 hours. After which if you continue to ignore me I cannot be held responsible for what I say or do. To put it simply, I lose my mind and all censorship of a normal human being. So there you are. Quirk/Pet peeve numero uno.

  1. My closet and shoes must be color coordinated by style of clothing and/or shoe. Shirts in one closet from white to black (and all the colors of the rainbow in between). Dress shoes on the bottom of that closet, also color coordinated. Dress pants, skirts, dresses, and belts in the other closet, boots, tennis shoes and flip flops on the floor of THAT closet.
  2. I can't stand for people to add ingredients to anything I'm cooking. Especially if I don't ask for an opinion. If I thought my food needed improvement, I wouldn't be serving it to you. Don't touch my cooking!!!
  3. When I'm tired, I pull on my eyebrows, LIKE DAD.
  4. When I was younger I used to think making the bed was pointless. Now I can't stand for it to be messy. My sheets must be pulled taut with no wrinkles and my blanket the same before I can sleep. The top sheet cannot be tucked in and I must have a top sheet! I also own roughly ten sets of sheets, six pillows and four comforters.
  5. I have a weakness for stilettos. I am very particular about what constitutes a STILETTO. A high heel, is NOT a stiletto.
  6. I like to wash my hands. A lot. Even after just sitting in class for a few hours, I feel the need to wash my hands. I'm going to wash my hands now. :)
  7. I'm also like Tracy and our Mother when imitating someone, my voice raises several octaves. It does this when not doing imitations also. Basically, I'm loud.


The Bravos said...

hahahah. i like the part where you're like "if i don't ask for an opinion.." lol which is NEVER.

love you!

MissManda-Mae said...

welcome to the blogging world my dear... congrats on the new "toy"... can't wait to check out your posts!!! we'll be home this weekend from our trip...

kiss, kiss, hug, hug... manda

A Friend's Perspective said...

I thought you were going to say, "I like Tracy" but then you added more. It's more special if you put it my way. : )

The Bravos said...

hey good job posting again! i never knew you were so attention needy :) haha. anyhoo, next time you write something new, make sure it's under a new post title or else people won't know you wrote again...


love you.

Kelly Ovard said...

Do you really own those stilletos? Those are cool, but I seriously don't think I could walk in them- and I wear heels constantly! I get what you say about being ignored, it is so irritating. I have found, however that ignoring them ignoring you stops it the fastest.....