Wednesday, October 15, 2008

This was Friday night out with
Kel & Christena. When I
come home I have to split my time between Kellie,
Michael, and Mom and Dad. If Kellie feels she is shorted on quality time in any way, I will not hear the end of it. Luckily for me Michael got called for a funeral detail Friday afternoon and wouldn't return until Saturday night, so I dodged the Kellie bullet this trip! Michael and I spent Sunday after church shooting my new gun. I feel like I need some extra security since I live alone. So Daddy offered to let me use one of his guns while I live up here. The choice was "Frank" the .357 revolver or "Harry" a .45 ruger. While I liked the look of the Ruger better (hey, I'm a girl!) we both felt (and saw) that I was more accurate with Frank. The best part of our shooting session was me sitting in a fire ant pile. What I thought was just ants on my shoes turned out to be my all of my body covered in fire ants.
Michael attempted to brush them off
but fire ants are aggressive little jerks
and they were actually BITING my
shirt and we couldn't even brush them off!
He still chides me for trying to stomp
them off my feet while sitting down.
I didn't know I was actually sitting on the pile because, well, I was sitting on the pile.

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