Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Let me tell you something...

"Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damage morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled or hanged."

My name is Kim, and i'm a pretty big deal.

Aside from that, I make a commitment right here and now to post on this blessed blog (created by my WONDERFUL Boggs) at least twice a month so that my family can see pictures of me and know more of what i'm up to.

Check back soon for posts actually posted by Kimmy!


P.S. It's part of my moral code to hate stupid people

This is Kimberly writing. Boggs, thanks for the Auburn football photo, you know me so well! I also happen to loathe Barack Obama. For various reasons. I loathe the sorority girls at Auburn University who think they are being progressive by voting for someone that they know nothing about because it's "trendy". I don't watch the CW, but if I was a moron and did I would boycott it because of their moronic commercials about voting republican. Let me ask you something, why should anyone who makes more than $250k, who most likely worked their ass off for it, have to pay extra taxes for the worthless wastes of space that live on government welfare? Listen Barack, just because your mom was a hood rat and you didn't have a dad doesn't mean that working class people should have to pay for more people like you and she. Period. End of story. As far as the war in Iraq goes, you know nothing about war or patriotism Mr. HUSSEIN.